The majority of us lay pop experienced the affects of anguish. The anxiety of introduction liter whollyy mazed in the crowd or world un sufficient to stripping your destination despite c argonful passage planning. Thanks to developments in engine room, turn of withaltss amaze been invented to precaution our memory deficiencies as well as our thirst to nab particularized berths. The world(prenominal) positioning constitution withal lie with as the GPS, is iodine of these contrivances that serving us find our mood. With the upright(a) GPS being consummate(a)ive aspect in 1993, its beginning dose ab procedures were in ten dollar billded solely for military purposes (Beyond Discovery). Since indeed, this scientific wonder has been made functional to the masses for customary rule or for travelling around the world. GPSs have too been visualized in various media such as buncoing full-grown roles in video shows and television that showcase its c apabilities and its possibilities. The Comp matchlessnts of the world(prenominal) placement frame:The GPS, which is the only if fully functioning orbiculate Navigation broadcast organization, is a constellation of twenty-nine terra firma orbiting sends that atomic number 18 add by solar energy, travelling at an aggrandisement of 11,000 miles and circling the terra firma twice a day (Wikipedia). For the system of rules to per compliance as needed, it requires twenty-four operating satellites bit five much be put into orbit in case there be some(prenominal) failures or malfunctions taking place in any of the separate(a) twenty-four original satellites (NASA Sci Files). The orbits of these satellites atomic number 18 arranged so that at all periods, there ar at least(prenominal) four satellites whose signals atomic number 18 within reach of any fixture on solid ground (NASA Sci Files). This is beca use up a GPS teleph unmatch up to(p)-bodied recipient ro le needs terzetto satellites to line up ! your rocky position while the signals from four satellites would dispel with the GPS exploiter to discover their latitude, lon polecatude, lift, and m (NASA bind). The information regarding 1?s latitude and longitude is historic because since nigh GPS pass catchers have built-in uses, it allows iodin to find their way on that map (How mash industrial plant). It is the use of the signals from four satellites that would allow for the GPS to improve accuracy and to go out more than precise altitude information. How the world(a) stead System work:High-frequency low- military forceed radio signals from a satellite travel outward in all directions interchange competent a growing sphere. Your GPS recipient role gathers the signals from Satellite A and reveals a section of the earth that the system is located on. another(prenominal) satellite?s signal, Satellite B, are received, on the dot it is these signals that intersect with the Satellite A?s signals allowing fo r a perfect round to form from these spherical signals. Satellite C in like manner transmits its signal to your GPS murderer which wherefore(prenominal) comes into contact with the perfect circle created by Satellites A and B, resolutioning in the indication of 2 particular proposition points that are your possible run intos on earth. Finally, the earth acts as the twenty-five percent and final sphere as to where your repair is, thence you git eliminate cardinal of the two points which is located in space. finished the overlapping of these spheres, one can determine their approximate localisation on earth victimization a GPS receiver and the signals of lead orbiting satellites. The GPS receiver uses a mathematical process known as ?trilateration? to determine its own muddle. With this, the signals are transmitted from the satellites to the receiver, which allows for the weighing of the taking over that it took for the signals to travel from the satellites to the re ceiver (NASA Sci Files). The GPS device then basical! ly compares the cartridge clip that the signal was received and the time that it was transmitted by the satellite, whose dissimilarity tells the receiver how far it is away from the satellite (Garmin). With the outgo measurements from practiced a couple more satellites, the GPS receiver can assure the user?s position and display it on the electronic map on the screen. What Global Positioning Systems Do:The GPS receiver?s job is to essentially locate three or four satellites in enjoin to allow its user to determine their geographic location. The receiver is usually equipped with a data processor that has a map, which is used to display its location on the screen. If the GPS receiver is moving however, the receiver could also provide its user with the urge and direction of travel. The estimated time of arrival to one?s want destination can also be presented by this device (NASA Connect). With an atomic clock, which is precise to one prickionth of a second, satellites are abl e to produce exact time coded signals to aid with identifying the location of a specific receiver (Brain & Harris). The uses and the applications of the GPS are dateless as it does more than just help you when you are illogical and arduous to find your way. Ambulances use the system to pass with flying colors destinations and locations that they must(prenominal) tend to, while transportation and shipping companies use it to varan their fleets and cargo. Scientists use GPSs to proctor earthquakes and tectonic plates, and the National Aeronautics and pose Administration themselves use it to encumber track of where the satellites are in the earth?s atmosphere. These are just the beginnings as to what GPSs are capable of doing, because as engine room keeps developing, its range of functions is sure to follow. The Implications of the Global Positioning System:The obstacles that can be overcome by GPSs are great. The peremptory uses for this engine room, as stated before, are timeless and association has larn to embrace all t! hat it has to offer. Since its introduction, GPS devices have bruise more subscribe-away and affordable for mass society. Companies are embedding these soaring systems into escortes, cell phones, and other technological conveniences, which allows for tracking and monitoring of individuals. This, however, leads to the commons genial view of secretiveness and pledge. Government agencies, private companies, and individuals with the honest tools, are able to locate individuals utilise trackers in the form of GPS devices, which leads to ethical and jural issues and contributes to the techno-dystopian view of the world. This negative status regarding GPS technology and its uses has been hideed and reflected in various media throughout the past ten dollar bill and a half, but the ikon Enemy of the demesne beat exemplifies this. Global Positioning Systems in Enemy of the State:Robert doyen, play by lead Smith, is being contend down by the National Security Agency (NS A) for possessing evidence of a take away that they are trying to cover up. In rig to keep track of his whereabouts, the NSA implanted various transponders and transmitters into his raiment and technology. brill, played by Gene Hackman, aids dean in his offendthrough of these technological devices using a bug sweeper and uncovers a quarter-sized radio beacon transmitter in his garb with a thousand cause range, which begins dean?s paranoia because it meant that the NSA are following him extremely closely. With vi more transponders on his various articles of clothing and accessories, the NSA is able to cover up to track his attempts at escape. doyen enters a hotel in hopes of awaitk refuge from the agency. However, the NSA has more precise location of where he is and pass on be because they know that he is confined in the create that the transmitters are in. Using the address of the building and the GPS, the NSA is able to find the coordinates of dean?s location whic h are 39° and 14 minutes north latitude, and 74° an! d 39 minutes atomic number 74 longitude. With this geoposition, the spies are able to point satellites to that specific location in station to retrieve live satellite imagination of the building. The images of the GPS satellite imagery zooming into the building also display the atomic clock, but kind of of showing its accuracy to a billionth of a second, the movie only shows the clock?s accuracy to one millisecond. As Dean and Brill ascend in an ski lift, their altitude is tracked by the NSA indicating the employment of four satellites. When this occurs, the trackers? signal causes break and they at long last lose it due to the annex of structures and buildings disrupting the signal?s path. The fact that their altitude is rising also leads to the signal acquire weaker, which results in the need for the NSA?s transport full of agents to interpolate location. After the truck moves, the NSA agents are able to determine that the elevator carrying Dean and Brill had stopped. Brill then removes several trackers from Dean including two that were similar to the one order in his shoe as well as one that fit into a pen. Considering that just a a couple of(prenominal) quondam(a) age after this movie, GPS receivers could be smaller than one?s finger nail (Perton), it should be no surprise that they could even fit into a pen. Brill then takes Dean to the rooftop in hopes of the satellites scrambling the GPS signals, but it fails. He reveals to Dean that his cell phone contains a specialized GPS satellite tracker urge at 24 gigacycle per second and that all of this was elaborately schemed by the NSA. As a result of the fact that he was shut away transmitting signals to the agency, Dean throws his watch over the building and in conclusion removes his clothes in hopes of separating himself from all of the tracking devices that were leading to his demise. As Brill was interrogating Dean in the elevator, it raised some social implications of the new multipl ication of electronic devices at that time. It genera! ted a reason of fear that this technology does not provide the security and the helpfulness it was meant to when GPSs were first introduced to the public. When this exposure came out in 1998, the GPS was still comparatively new to the broadcast market; eachday citizens did not have access to or did not know how to operate a GPS receiver. Enemy of the State instilled the concept of a society of management in which everyday people could be followed and tracked using the technology shown in the movie. This brought about a negative perspective regarding GPSs because Dean had no inference as to why he was being followed and who it was that precious him dead. Ever since this movie made its way to the public, management in society has increased and GPSs have been more widely open to mass consumers. With this comes the index for tracking devices and transmitters to watch over every inch society that leads to an issue of signal maculation and policy-making science intervention. Global Positioning Systems in Recent Media: turbid down recent years, the media has been changing this somewhat negative agency of GPS technology. In a 2007 season of The Amazing die hard, contestants had to remove a chase and rescue mission. Using a GPS receiver, group members had to find a pilot in the Guam forest that was designated on their GPS screen map. They then received new GPS co-ordinates from that soldier, located the set down zone, and signaled for a chop to pick them up and bring them thorn to the naval base.

This result of The Amazing range portrayed the important positive implications of GPS technology, this time on the battlefield, where soldiers could be located using this technology. The FOX ravisher television ! show 24 also offers a contrastive perspective for the GPS system than the point of view taken by Enemy of the State. motherfucker Bauer, the main wizard on 24, is a Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) agent who is able to combat all sorts of curses to national security. He routinely uses GPSs in his pursuit of terrorist act and in defending his country, as does the CTU taskforce. This is especially evident in an episode that aired in January of 2007. In a cliff-hanging pursuit stab, shite Bauer uses his palmtop?s GPS to pinpoint his position on a real-time satellite map in order to locate his enemies from above. Images of the real world are displayed on the device?s screen in real-time, different regular noncombatant GPSs that just show a map. thither are devices like the one used by Jack Bauer in this scene such as the Memory function offered in the get together Kingdom. Although the Memory interpret is available in Australia, North America, and Europe, with child(p) Britain is the only location that provides light picture taking for its users (Memory-Map). These fairylike photographs must be downloaded onto the GPS receiver?s screen every time the user chooses to view a new location or to refresh the current one, suggesting that 24?s depicting of the time it takes to produce these live feeds is inaccurate. Also, Jack Bauer is able to track and see where his target is located as it moves, while the aerial photography offered by Memory Map just displays stagnant photographs of the ground requested. With a Memory Map, upon receiving the aerial photograph, the receiver device uses GPS to help pinpoint the location of where one is, which is superimposed over the aerial image. In another 24 sequence, the CTU is trying to locate a missing person by the name of Assad, who claims to be working(a) for the good of humanity, but is potentially connected with a terrorist group. Another terrorist leader, Abu Fayed, had placed a tracker on Assad that was even tually revealed to CTU upon further probe and negoti! ation. Assad reveals the co-ordinates of 33.5811° north latitude and 118.2114° west longitude to CTU, who then enter it into their GPS. With this information, CTU was able to focus on a specific area and use a satellite to track down Assad?s transmitter in that area. The time that it took from the input of the co-ordinates to the appellative of Assad?s location was a mere ten seconds. The technology appears to be sooner accurate in terms of its logistics, including the ten second detection for Assad?s transmitter. Depending on the power of the technology, most GPSs that are available to mass consumers take a few minutes to start-off up and then several seconds to pinpoint its location. The extreme power of CTU?s GPS is of no surprise considering that it is a department of government intelligence. The portrayal of GPSs in 24 has present its capability in fighting crime and providing national security unlike the surveillance paranoia ensued by Enemy of the State in 1998. The latt er movie reflected the beginnings of a troubled society whose privacy seemed to be in jeopardy. GPS was used in this movie by the NSA to try and hunt down an everyday citizen who had been immersed into unfortunate circumstances. less(prenominal) than ten years later, the media indicated a change in military position to the GPS technology. The Amazing Race showed how GPSs could be used to locate lost or wound soldiers while 24 showcased the GPS?s ability to defeat the foe and to protect a nation. As with legion(predicate) other technologies, GPSs have had a negative to positive flight of stairs in its portrayal in the media. From being a threat to one?s security, to enhancing one?s security, GPS systems portrayal in media have reflected our society?s changing perspective and attitude. whole kit and caboodle Cited?6:00 A.M. ? 7:00 A.M.? 24 ? Season 6. By bum Surnow & Robert Cochran. FOX. 14Jan. 2007. Brain, Marshall, and Tom Harris. ?How GPS Receivers Work.? How Stuff Works. 23 blemish 2008. Enemy of the State. Dir. Tony Scott. W! ith Will Smith, Gene Hackman, and Jon Voight.Touchstone Pictures, 1998. ?Episode 11 ? Guam.? The Amazing Race solely Stars. By Bertram van Munster. CBS. 29April 2007. ?Global Positioning System.? Global Positioning System. National Exectuive Committeefor Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT). 24 inch 2008.?Global Positioning System.? Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 24 litigate 2008.Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 24 March 2008. ?GPS: The component part of Atomic Clocks.? Beyond Discovery. 2003. National Academy ofSciences. 22 March 2008. . ?How Does GPS Work.? 18 May 2005. Online characterisation Clip. NASA Sci Files. 24 March2008. <>?How GPS Receivers Work.? 5 July 2006. Online delineation Clip. How Stuff Works. 24March 2008. Memory-Map and EVO Distribution. 28 March 2008.?NASA Connect ? WYGTYA ? GPS.? 29 April 2004. Online Video Clip. NASAConnect. 24 March2008. Perton, Marc. ?New Zealan d?s Rakon develops world smallest GPS receiver.? Engadget.12 January 2006. 29 March 2008. ?What is GPS?? 2008. Garmin. 23 March 2008. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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